Amazon s3 for personal backup
Amazon s3 for personal backup

amazon s3 for personal backup

You have problems with your implementation of Amazon S3 backup jobs in your job scheduler or some other area. I have deleted the jobs and recreated them, etc. I have to reboot M圜loud for S3 jobs to properly execute. The problem is if several days go by this same problematic condition returns. After rebooting, now I could manually start an S3 job and I verified the missing files/folders were properly copied to my S3 bucket. I did this over and over, so then I decided to reboot M圜loud. Then the “Updating” message popped up for a few seconds, but the job does not start.

amazon s3 for personal backup

The dialog box “Are you sure you want to perform a backup now?” popped up and I clicked OK.

amazon s3 for personal backup

I then went back to M圜loud and clicked the right arrow (triangle) on a particular job to run the job manually. They were not because I found missing files/folders in my Amazon S3 bucket that were present on M圜loud. So using an S3 browser, I checked my Amazon S3 buckets to determine if your S3 queues were operating correctly. From the start date/time, anyone would assume the job ran correctly, but I was not convinced. I then looked at the details of the job, clicking on the Progress “List” link.

amazon s3 for personal backup

This was the first indication that something might be wrong. I saw Finished on some jobs and Ready on others. I wanted to ensure your S3 jobs were running correctly, so I logged into M圜loud and looked at the details/status for each S3 job. Over a week ago, I setup four S3 queues to run each night at different times. I DO NOT want to use the other Backup Types (or modes). I have all my S3 jobs setup as Type: Upload and Backup Type: Overwrite Existing File(s). Some of the S3 jobs (queues as you call them) are configured to run on a daily schedule, some I run manually. On M圜loud, I have created multiple S3 backup jobs and know they are configured correctly, why, it’s virtually impossible with your interface to configure an S3 job incorrectly. I am very familiar with Amazon S3 because I also own a Qnap NAS that I’ve used for three years and utilize the S3 support inside the Qnap. I purchased a new WD M圜loud EX2 because along with other features, WD claims to support Amazon S3 backup.

Amazon s3 for personal backup